7 Quotes & Sayings By John Taskinsoy

John Taskinsoy is a writer and researcher from Indonesia. He has worked as a reporter in the Indonesian media, and is now a freelance journalist focusing on the environment and human rights in Myanmar. In his free time, he enjoys reading, writing and playing guitar.

Do not waste time wondering things you can't do well,...
Do not waste time wondering things you can't do well, instead think about things you can do great. John Taskinsoy
Speaking English well could open a window of personal and professional opportunities but having great knowledge of business English can give you the edge in becoming indispensable. John Taskinsoy
Obtaining sought skills is critical in gaining an advantage over others (competitors), but being fluent in English could enable you to leap into the next level of success in international business. John Taskinsoy
You should not measure your success by the amount of money you make or titles you have, instead measure it by how much value you create and the difference you make. John Taskinsoy
Self-analysis is vital in the road to success; being unaware of your own skills, capacity, and attributes may cost you the next great promotion. John Taskinsoy
Failing is easy, but climbing up the mountain requires strategy, commitment, endurance, and the iron will to keep trying till you reach the summit. John Taskinsoy